Rules & Regulations

Pierce County 4-H Horse Leader’s Handbook

The Horse Department must operate with a reliable set of rules to create and maintain an orderly program that is fair and consistent, to comply with governing County and State rules, to provide a basis for arbitration of violations or differences of opinion and also to provide a vehicle for documenting interpretations and agreed upon policy.

The Handbook is intended to serve as an easy reference tool for all leaders and the Horse Board in operating to the same, and latest, policy and rules. The format and information contained is intended to give a new or potential leader an idea of what is expected as well. Hopefully it will answer most questions applicable to the Pierce County 4-H Horse Project.

Combined Handbook (927 pages)

Washington State 4-H Equine Program Rule Book

Counties are bound by state rules and may not make their rules less restrictive; however,
counties may make more restrictive rules but cannot be contrary to overall Washington 4-H
Program Policies as listed in EM0758E (publication number) and found on WSU 4-H website.

4-H Equine Program Rule Book Link