Record keeping is an important part of the total 4-H program and all members are encouraged to keep a record book. Your club may require you to keep a record book. In addition, you may choose to turn your record book in as one of your educational activities or to try to win a record book award at the end of the 4-H year.
Required Parts:
- Level 1 or Level 2 4-H Record Book (only juniors can use Level 1)
- Level 1 or Level 2 Permanent Record (only juniors can use Level 1)
- Horse Certificate Form
Record Book Assistance
July Turn-in Requirements:
- All required parts included
- In a binder with dividers/tabs as indicated on page 2 of the record book.
- Complete up to the turn in date. Only future and year-end sections should be left blank.
- Permanent record must be present, but most sections will be left blank.
- All beginning of year signatures must be present.
- Some photos should be included.
- Record books that do not meet these criteria will not receive a credit!
End of Year Requirements:
- Same as above, but the entire record book, including the permanent record must be completed.
- Record books will be scored using this form.