The 4-H Horse Bowl is a quiz bowl-style contest where participants can demonstrate their knowledge of horses in a competitive, but fun, setting. Participants learn about horses and how to work as a team member. Topics include: equine anatomy, conformation, feed and nutrition, evolution, breed characteristics, and reproduction.
In Washington State, the first part of the game has an even number of questions divisible by four, giving each team member a chance to answer the same number of questions. In the second part, any player on either team can answer a question. The contestant who activates the buzzer has five seconds to answer the question after being recognized by the moderator. If the buzzer is activated while the moderator is reading a question, they stop reading it immediately.
Team Selection
- Interested Horse & Horseless project members attend practice sessions.
- County teams are selected from those attending the practices.
- Our county team competes at the State competition in the spring.
- The team that wins at State represents Washington at the National contest.
Educational Credits
- Everyone who attends at least 3 Horse Bowl practices will receive an educational credit and 2 points toward the year-end educational award.
- Those who compete on the county team receive an additional 3 points.