Creating, entering, and exhibiting an Educational Exhibit is required if you want to take your horse to county or state fair. Most people make a poster, but other items are allowed. Your educational exhibit usually becomes part of your club’s fair display. Read on to learn more…
- Poster or Chart
- Mobile
- Tabletop display
- Large display
Other Information:
- An educational exhibit is worth 1 point towards the year-end educational award.
- Exhibits that receive a blue ribbon may be entered at the State Fair.
- Educational exhibits are entered through Fair Entry.
- They are part of the 4-H Education division.
- You may enter for any project you are enrolled in.
- You may also enter an item in 4-H Promotion or General Safety.
- Posters may be turned in at the July Qualifying Show or at the 4-H Office by the designated date (mid July.)